Monday, January 31, 2011

Time to pull off the rose colored glasses!

I didn't even realize how long it has been since I have posted. So yeah it has been a month. What can I say except busy, busy, busy. So as far as Mrs. Delaware pageant prep is going....I have finally this week started tanning. I know you might say "Girl, you don't need to start this early you still have over 4 months". Well honey, my answer to you is I know there is a problem when using my new camera I have to put the setting to "snow" if I am in the picture. So it will give me plenty time to get my nice golden glow. I have been working out and eating better so I am very happy about that. Very soon I will be amping up everything and taking it to another level. I am getting more excited as time goes by. But for me the most important progression I have taken is in regards to my platform. I couldn't be more excited with the direction that Behind The Mask is going. Behind the Mask is what I decided to call my campaign. As most of you know, I have been working very hard to get my campaign out there and into some schools. Not only have I been able to do this, but I am also going to be given the opportunity to take this into another state. For a while I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to get it off the ground. But after much hard work, people are really seeing the positive aspect of it and the importance of teaching our youth. And to me that is the biggest accomplishment as of lately. This Friday I will be doing a presentation at a middle school that is not far from where I grew up. This is a very large school, so more potential to reach lives. I am in the process of reading a book and I highly recommend it to others. The book is called "Please stop laughing at me" by Jodee Blanco. This is a fantastic book for anyone to read. Whether you were bullied when you were younger or if you have children that are going to school, or if you just want to read a moving book. This book has really opened up my eyes in a new way, to the mentality of people when it comes to dealing with bullying. As a country we need to pull off our rose colored glasses and deal with the situation! We need to stop telling people that "kids will be kids' or "grow a thinker skin". Children are out there committing suicide because they feel worthless and hopeless. It is time we put our shoes on right and stood up against this. Its not a joke so we need to stop treating it like it is. I sympathize with the people who try to get help and are told they are "over dramatizing" the situation when in reality people just refuse to take off their rose colored glasses and stare bullying right in the face! Well, I am taking my stand, I am getting my priorities where they need to be. I am so tired of seeing on the news and reading story after story of terrible bullying. What is wrong with people? Its time to get off our butts and realize what our future generation looks like. Less than a month ago there where 7 student (all of them were 14-16 years old)in the philadelphia area that beat another student and then hung him by his coat on a tall fence. Wake up everyone!!! These are our future leaders. The kids we are raising now are going to be the ones in authority in the future!!! Less than a year ago in Chicago an honor roll student (14 years old) got beat to death with 2X4s and metal pipes right outside of his school. And the worst thing was that there were rows and rows of cars and people standing around and driving by as this occurred, yet not one person stopped. Someone even took video of this happening, yet did someone bother to step in to stop I hope I am not the only one that sees the problem with this. Ok I am done ranting and raving about this. I try to keep this blog as positive as possible but sometimes people need a wake up call and I feel this country is long overdue when it comes to this topic. We as a country need to realize what is going on in our schools and on our streets, we need to step up and do something. Edmund Burke said "Evil prevails when good men to nothing" and that is exactly what happened in this instance and in many other instances.