Friday, June 3, 2011

I am the most perfect orange

There are only about 9 days until the big pageant day. This will probably be my last post until after the pageant. I have many things that I need to do until the big day so I am having trouble finding the time to get everything done that I need to do. You would think as the pageant gets closer I would become more and more stressed. But it seems the closer the pageant the more calm about it I have become. I shared a little piece of an article with you not too long ago. It said comparing yourself to another contestant is like comparing apples to oranges. And you might be the perfect orange but if a judge is looking for an apple then you might not get it. The more I practice and perfect every little walk and pose and the way I present myself I realize how true this actually is. So I am perfectly confident with the place I am at. I know I am going to do a wonderful job and that I will be the most perfect orange that those judges have ever seen. But if the judges aren't looking for an orange than there is nothing I can do about it. Well, I am going to cut this post a little short because I have a lot of things to do tonight. I will be doing a little appearance tomorrow for a little girls whose birthday part theme is Miss America. I am really excited and think this will be loads of fun. I will keep you all posted and please send a little prayer for me on June 12th. And I would love you all to be at the pageant if you can make it!! It is in Dover DE on June 12th at 5:00 and you can purchase tickets at the door. Check out for more information. See you then! If you are coming please bring me a cupcake!!!