Monday, September 27, 2010

So powerful is the light of unity that it can illuminate the whole earth

What an amazing weekend! My week started out terribly as some of you may know. It was one of the worse weeks that I have had in a while. It just seemed like everything was falling apart and nothing was going right. Trust me when I say that by the time Friday came I was close to crawling in a hole and rotting there. Thank God for all the amazing friends I have because I was in such a terrible rut that it was so hard to get out of without the helping hands of others. I can't even begin to say how much all of you guys mean to me. There is a saying that I love and this week really exemplified that. And I know I have posted it before it just explains what happened to me. A true friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. Thanks to all of you who really helped me through this week. Now that a new week has started I have really been in a great mood. I feel like myself again and you don't even know how good that feels. Also, doing the events that I did this weekend really helped my spirit. It helped know that I was doing good for others. So next time you are having a terrible week or you really need to put some softness in your spirit, go to your local soup kitchen or something and just volunteer for an hour or so. It will help more then you can imagine. Anyways, like I said this past weekend was truly amazing and I will tell you about all of my adventures. Friday night I was given the opportunity to participate in a fashion show for the Ministry of Caring. This show was so much fun because I got to wear some great clothes and get my hair and makeup done and just get all glammed up. Not only was it fun to model but it was nice being around some wonderful pageant ladies. I got to do alot of chatting and just hanging out with them so it was a nice time. Although I was completely exhausted after because the fashion show did end up going pretty late and this momma didn't end up getting home until well past her bed time. But all in all I think the event was very successful and raised alot of funds which is really the most important thing. Thank you Siouxzan (my beautiful director) for asking me to be involved along with Marci and Fawn, it was so great doing an event with you and I am sure it will not be the last. So now that I told you of the event that I got to get all pretty and dolled up, I will tell you of the event where I got down and dirty. Its so funny of the different extremes I had this weekend lol. On Sunday I went to probably the funnest event I have ever been to, not only the funnest but the toughest most challenging event. I participated in my first 5K on Sunday, but this wasn't just any 5K it was a mud run with a military style obstacle course with, you guessed it, a whole lot of mud! My team was spectacular! I was part of team Divalicious and we rocked it! Now we ended up raising $1,659 which placed us in 2nd place for fund raising our of 654 teams. Now I can't take any props for the fund raising part. As most of you know I just did an event for the American Lung Association and I tapped all my sources completely dry. Now that didn't keep me from trying hard but since the event I just did was not too long ago it was difficult for me personally to raise funds. But the other girls did such a great job when it came to fund raising I was so proud to be in the team. But next time I will definitely be good for the fund raising. I did feel a little defeated going into the event because I know since I didn't raise alot of fund I didn't feel like I contributed alot. But my team was so great that when we did the event I didn't feel defeated at all. Now if you didn't make it out to the Mud Run you totally missed out! Not only was it a great event for the runner but all the people watching were amazing. The atmosphere was so encouraging and energetic and just lively. There was no way you could have just been sitting around. Between the music and the cheering and all the encouraging people it wasn't possible to feel anything but excited at this event. I know I was totally pumped!! When it came to the running my team really kicked up some mud! We were so amazing and I am so proud of all of us. I have been running alot lately but let me tell you, nothing could prepare you for that. It most definitely wasn't a flat surface and there were alot of obstacles along the way. But we pressed on and it was amazing. We ended up finishing in 48 mins and 35 seconds, we ranked in the top 15% in our division coming in 30th place out of 201 teams!!! Toward the end I started feeling really exhausted because there were alot of obstacles close together, but with my team and all the people cheering I knew we couldn't slow down. There were so many people that I had no clue who they were, cheering us on and yelling our team name out. What an amazing feeling it was to just see all the people and know that we were so close to the finish. But the best feeling of all was knowing that we were making a difference. Us 4 pageant girls that hate it when our hair isn't in place much less being caked with mud from head to toe, we were making a difference. You can't get better than that! And after all the mud is washed away and all of our muddy clothes have been taken out to the trash, we will still be able to hold our heads up high knowing we made a difference. And after all the remnants of the run are gone, all the bruises are gone, all the little scrapes healed and our muscles no longer sore. We will carry the memory of this event for a long long time. It was truly a remarkable experience and thank you to my team (Shana, Fran and Angie) for allowing me to be a part of it!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

If you're going through hell, keep going.

What an exhausting week. I will be very happy when tomorrow comes and the weekend begins. It hasn't been a bad week but a very physically and mostly emotionally draining week. I am sure all you guys know how it is. You get into this emotional "rut", if you will, and its just difficult to get out of. I don't even really know how I got here or how I get out of this feeling. I have been running alot lately and that has helped. Kinda gets my mind off of anything and its relaxing. I have been seeing a difference in my body as of lately. Anything to kinda tone me down is always a plus. Gotta keep working on that bikini body for the pageant. I actually wish I had more time to run. It has kinda become my new therapy. Now don't mistake the fact, I am still a terrible runner. But I guess over time I will get better. I have a 5k run that I will be doing on Sunday this is to raise money for Leukemia research. At first I wasn't too thrilled (because I really don't like getting that muddy) but I am more and more excited about it. I am still not happy with the fact that it will be through the mud but it is for such a good cause. If doing good for others doesn't pull me out of this mood then nothing will. I was thinking about working on my distances. Slowly running further and further until I can run longer distances. Anyway, for now I am going to stick with the 5k. Tomorrow should also be a good time, I am going to be in a fashion show and I always enjoy them. Getting dressed up and having someone do my hair and makeup for me is always a plus. It makes me feel pampered. This is also a very special kind of fashion show, its a benefit for The Ministry of Caring Homeless Shelters. I think the best part of winning the pageant I did is the amazing opportunities I get to make a difference with all of the fund raising and different events for worthy causes. Also, Saturday is the Miss New Castle and Miss Diamond State pageants. I plan on attending, this will be some really good "me" time to hang out with some great people. So yeah I have a pretty packed weekend. But like I said before, its so important to help others, and especially when I am kinda feeling this way. When I help others it really lifts my spirits and I am in desperate need of that right now. I guess it is just "one of those weeks" for me. I am sure it will all be fine next week. I am sure all I need is some great family and friend time, some good work to do for others and maybe a few more miles to run. Have a great weekend everyone, and I am sure I will see alot of you this weekend at some point.

Monday, September 20, 2010

You should always be treated like the Queen you are, wether you have a physical crown or not

One of my friends said this to me this weekend and I wanted to pass it along to all my readers. Although they didn't use those exact words, I changed it around a little to suit my blog. But I really want to encourage everyone to respect yourselves because if you respect yourself then you'll almost automatically get a response from the people around you. This is something that I am challenged with often. Now please don't mix up respecting yourself and being cocky. I guess another work for respecting yourself could be a very common word we use in the pageant industry and that is "confidence". Whichever way you slice it this meant alot to me. Every single one of us ladies are beautiful and we are queens that need to be cherished. I'm not saying that I want to start seeing you guys being carried around on thrones by 4 hunky guys (although it is a great mental image) but what I would like to see is women walking with their heads a little higher. Like I said before this is definitely something that I have always struggled with and I still do. I have gotten much better with this and have seen much improvement in myself but sometimes its extremely hard. Many of you who read this are married and have children, and if your like me you have a full time job. At the end of the day you are physically and emotionally drained (at least I know I am). When it comes down to it the title "servant" feels a little more appropriate of a title then "queen". And I of all people know that sometimes I am always the last person that I think about. I am on the bottom of my priorities list. And truthfully if I am on the bottom of my own priorities list how can I expect to be on the top of anyone elses list? The answer is I can't. So I am going to start trying to make a little bit more time just for me and me only, whether that is sewing, reading a book, or running it doesn't really matter. Not only doing that but I also need to start looking at myself and seeing myself as a "queen". Its not easy some days, days that I have been cleaning all day and chasing kids around and basically times I really feel that I look like crap, its hard those times. Anyways, I guess what I am trying to say is that you don't need to be a size freakin' zero or have a model body or have perfect hair or skin to be a "queen". And thank goodness for that because I am definitely not a zero ( can't even get my big toe into a size zero), my hair is always crazy, my face still breaks out like I am a teenager and my figure is not a models figure. But here I am holding my head up high and wearing an invisible crown. And people will respond to that. So my challenge for you is that when you look in the mirror this week, picture that regal crown sitting on your head, flash that beautiful smile that I know you have and then go on your day! And don't let anyone treat you any less than the queen you are. Take care my gorgeous queens and have an amazing week, I know that I will!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Gossip needn't be false to be evil - there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around.

What a very interesting couple of weeks. I don't know about everyone else but the recent cool down in the weather is truly spectacular. I love the fall! And one of the biggest reason I enjoy the fall is the clothes. Something about the richness of the season and the colors along with the layering and boots! I just can't help but get excited about it. I have to admit that my fall wardrobe is so much better than my summer wardrobe that I can't wait to dig into it. And with the weather cooling off I know that before long I will be into my beloved fall clothes. The weather has also been very beneficial to that fact that I am getting ready for a 5k run and running when the weather is a little bit cooler is much easier for me then if it is stifling outside. I never considered myself a runner. But recently I have enjoyed running. Although I do not have the speed, I have the endurance. I have been able to run 3 miles without stopping. Which to me, as long as I have the endurance to do it the speed will come in time. I am hoping to be able to get a run in today before the sun sets. So what have I actually been doing lately besides go on and on a bout the weather? Well, yesterday I was honored to take part in a meals on wheels event called Denim and Diamonds. One of my friends Lindy Scott asked me if I would like to volunteer and all she had to do was mention diamonds and I was there in a heart beat :) The event was a great event and an amazing turnout. I got to greet people as they walked in the door and it was just a great time. I also go to catch up with some of my pageant beauties like Carrie (Mrs. Delaware), Lindy (Mrs. Central Delaware) and Kayla (Miss Delaware). I also got to meet many new people and just have an amazing time. The food was phenomenal the music was great, the dessert yummmmm! I was so thrilled to be a part of this event. I really love doing events, but the ones that I especially like are the ones that benefit a cause. Of course it is fun to ride in a car in a parade but when I know that I am contributing event a little bit to a worthy cause, it just makes it that much more meaningful. Anyway, I had a truly wonderful time at the event. It was also fun making my jeans for the event. I decided to go and buy a cheap pair of jeans at rugged warehouse and add some stones to them. I was really surprised at the amount of compliments I got on that which makes me feel good. For more recent events, I am in the process of making a dress that will be donated to an organization called Queendom. Queendom is a mentoring program for young women to boost their confidence and bring out the true royalty that resides in all ladies. I am going to be entering this dress into a competition through Joanne Fabrics to hopefully win some money for this organization because they truly deserve it. If I can use my talent to help others then I am all for it! Anyways, I hope everyone has an amazing day and week. I love you all and thank you very much for reading my post!