Monday, September 20, 2010

You should always be treated like the Queen you are, wether you have a physical crown or not

One of my friends said this to me this weekend and I wanted to pass it along to all my readers. Although they didn't use those exact words, I changed it around a little to suit my blog. But I really want to encourage everyone to respect yourselves because if you respect yourself then you'll almost automatically get a response from the people around you. This is something that I am challenged with often. Now please don't mix up respecting yourself and being cocky. I guess another work for respecting yourself could be a very common word we use in the pageant industry and that is "confidence". Whichever way you slice it this meant alot to me. Every single one of us ladies are beautiful and we are queens that need to be cherished. I'm not saying that I want to start seeing you guys being carried around on thrones by 4 hunky guys (although it is a great mental image) but what I would like to see is women walking with their heads a little higher. Like I said before this is definitely something that I have always struggled with and I still do. I have gotten much better with this and have seen much improvement in myself but sometimes its extremely hard. Many of you who read this are married and have children, and if your like me you have a full time job. At the end of the day you are physically and emotionally drained (at least I know I am). When it comes down to it the title "servant" feels a little more appropriate of a title then "queen". And I of all people know that sometimes I am always the last person that I think about. I am on the bottom of my priorities list. And truthfully if I am on the bottom of my own priorities list how can I expect to be on the top of anyone elses list? The answer is I can't. So I am going to start trying to make a little bit more time just for me and me only, whether that is sewing, reading a book, or running it doesn't really matter. Not only doing that but I also need to start looking at myself and seeing myself as a "queen". Its not easy some days, days that I have been cleaning all day and chasing kids around and basically times I really feel that I look like crap, its hard those times. Anyways, I guess what I am trying to say is that you don't need to be a size freakin' zero or have a model body or have perfect hair or skin to be a "queen". And thank goodness for that because I am definitely not a zero ( can't even get my big toe into a size zero), my hair is always crazy, my face still breaks out like I am a teenager and my figure is not a models figure. But here I am holding my head up high and wearing an invisible crown. And people will respond to that. So my challenge for you is that when you look in the mirror this week, picture that regal crown sitting on your head, flash that beautiful smile that I know you have and then go on your day! And don't let anyone treat you any less than the queen you are. Take care my gorgeous queens and have an amazing week, I know that I will!

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