Monday, November 1, 2010

Everyone must take time to sit and watch the leaves turn.

I know that I am a day late but I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Halloween. I truly love the fall season. Although it being a little on the chilly side, fall is spectacular with the rich colors, fabulous clothes and boots and its just a beautiful mediator between summer and winter. So it has actually been a few weeks since I have updated my blog, which I apologize. I was going to update it last week but I didn't downloaded the pictures that I wanted to add to my entry until yesterday. So I will have alot of information for you in this entry. Thats if I can remember everything I can to tell you, lol. So first off I am going to start out with a few non pageant related functions. A couple weeks ago I got the pleasure of getting to see my favorite cousin in the world! No offense to all my other cousins (whom I love very dearly) but Sonia does have you all beat. It has been a long time since I have gotten to see Soni and I was so happy to get to see her. She lives in Kentucky to our visits are few and far between. But we got to catch up on alot and really just enjoy each others company. I can't wait to see you again Soni!! I also got to catch up with one of my other bestest girls, Aysha! I have been friends with Aysha since high school and we have such a fabulous friendship, we don't need to talk all the time to know that we care :) Luv ya girl! Aysha took my to this fabulous restaurant called Eggspectations, if you ever get a chance you definitely need to go to this place because it was amazing! Anyways, moving along to more things, we recently got the chance to take my sons to Milburn Orchards and we had such a great time. The boys loved all the animals and pumpkins. Landon did an amazing job at leading us through the corn maze! He led us through all by himself without taking us to any dead ends or anything, he most definitely did not get his sense of direction from me. This year I finally got to go to a Halloween part. Now since I moved up to this area (4 years ago), I have been dying to get dressed up and go to a Halloween party. Well thanks to Lauren and Jon Lavelle we got to go to one this year. I dressed up as a vampire and it was really awesome. I had red contact and fangs and everything and it was cool as heck! A did get to participate in a few great events with my title. I had the great honor of appearing with Ellen England (Mrs. Delaware United States 2010) at a JDRF walk. I really enjoyed being there and speaking with all the wonderful people and posing for lots of pictures. I was also really thrilled to have my husband attend with me, and he turned out to the the best paparazzi ever! I love seeing Ellens caring heart. She is so passionate about her platform and it just reminds me that this is what its all about. Yeah the crown is nice but changing peoples lives is a sparkle that won't ever fade. Being there to support her was such an honor. Thank you for the invite Ellen! The same day I also got to participate in the Newark Halloween Parade. I could not have asked for more perfect weather for this day. I dressed up as Wonder Woman and decided that this parade I was going to walk instead of riding in a convertible. And I am really glad I chose to do that, it felt like I could be a little bit more personable with all the kids that way. Also, my husband and sons got to participate in the parade with me because my work had a float that they got to ride in. My sons are born royalty because they love being in the parades and waving to all the people. Something else that I actually finished this weekend was I made a dress to benefit an organization called Queendom T.E.A. This is such an amazing organization. Not too long ago I got the chance to meet the founder, LaQuisha Hall and speak with her a little. Queendom T.E.A. is a mentoring program for teen girls and it strives to bring out the Queen in all of them. For those of you that don't know, I hope to one day be a fashion designer, so I am constantly trying to make clothes and basically teach myself how to sew. With that comes my favorite store which is Joann fabrics. One day while shopping at Joanns I noticed a contest called Craft for A Cause, that is where I got the idea to create a dress from Queendom T.E.A. So then I set off to speak with LaQuisha and make a dress dedicated to her organization to which I submitted to this contest in hopes of winning up to $50,000 for Queendom T.E.A. Now I know that the dress isn't impeccable when it comes to construction, but truthfully this is only the 3rd dress I have ever made. And I couldn't be more proud of it. I really like the progress that I have made and I think the dress is my best work to date. Now all I have to do is win some money for this great cause and I think I will be good to go. Have a great week everyone!

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