Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Always act like you're wearing an invisible crown.

Wow, what a weekend! I hope everyone had a fantastic 4th of July, I know I did. what an amazing time to spend with families and friend, and to even make new friends. This past Saturday was my first appearance as Mrs. patriotic and what a wonderful experience it was! On the 3rd I was able to participate in the first annual Middletown Jaycees 4th of July parade. I am still smiling from the experience it was such a blast. Everyone who was in the parade looked spectacular! What a great way to kick off my year. Thank you to everyone who made it happen. I really enjoyed all of the happy and friendly people waving as we drove by. One of the more memorable things for me was when we were driving by a little girl and her mom, as she was waving to me she said to her mom "look mommy she looks just like Cinderella". I was also able to see Carrie Mrs. Delaware US and Kayla Miss Delaware America. They both looked fantastic and I was so thrilled to see them both. My husband and my sons were able to participate in the parade. My work, Advance Inc participated in the parade and my husband and sons were able to ride on the truck and wave. They were so adorable. Another highlight to the weekend was that I finally got to meet my new nephew Gideon. He is only about a week old and he is cute and so little. It was nice to be able to spend some time with my family on Saturday. My sons enjoyed the fireworks they liked all the different colors. Sunday was also very eventful. My parents came to church with me in the morning. It is always nice when they decide to make the trip up here. Sunday evening I made an appearance at the Liberty Day in Newark. It was a different kind of appearance with lots of pictures and conversing with many people. But it was equally as fun as the previous appearance. I like being around people and just enjoying others company even if it is only for a moment while I take a picture with them. Thank you to everyone who attributed to such a successful weekend for me. I look forward to future appearances. I can't wait for what this year has in store!

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