Thursday, July 22, 2010

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.

This week so far has been a roller coaster of a week. I am very glad tomorrow is Friday. Its so nice to know that this weekend I will have off. Hopefully it will be a nice relaxing weekend. In my previous post I was informing everyone that I will be at the Delaware State Fair on the 24th, 25th and 31st. Well it turns out that they no longer need me for the event. Which is fine, it was a little disappointing because I was looking forward to being there. But things happen and you just need to move on. Although the whole situation was not in vain because I did learn alot about the importance of recycling not only on the earth but on the economy as well. And I feel lucky that I was able to be educated on this. Well, moving on the more things in the life of Hilary. I feel very accomplished about the fact that I have lost 3 pounds since I started Insanity!!! And I can already feel that I am starting to tighten up jiggly areas. If things keep going this well then I know I will feel fantastic when I step on that stage. I was thinking about how fantastic all the girls looked at the Mrs. Delaware United States pageant this year. In swimwear the ladies looked so good. It got me to thinking about how I wanted to look while I am up there on stage. I came to this conclusion, I am never going to look like some of those girls. I can try and try and try but my body isn't like theirs and it never will be. But if I keep working hard and keep working out like I have been then I know I will get my body into fantastic shape. So what if I don't look like some of those other girls, my body is totally different then theirs. And if I can feel like I look fantastic, then that confidence will show on stage whether my body is the best looking or not. Knowing that I can accomplish what I want in my body and what works for my body (which might be totally different then what works for other people) that confidence is what is going to be shining most to those judges. I can't compare myself to those other girls. Well, actually I could compare myself to those other girls, and I could say "man I wish I looked like her or that my body was a nice as hers" but how does that help me reach my ultimate goal. Which in all reality is to win the pageant. That kind of thinking will do me more harm then good. So I am determined that when I walk on that stage I am going to be looking fantastic and I am going to feel wonderful because I know that I will be in wonderful shape and that my body will be looking great even if my body doesn't the same as some of the other ladies I am still going to be shining with confidence!! Moving on to other things, My friend Shana Williams pulled me into doing this 5K Mud run. What was I thinking? I am going to try it, but I might have to end up attaching a cord to Shana and have her drag me. But its for a good cause and I am sure I will have fun with Shana and a few other girls. Ok guys this is me signing off have a great day!

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