Tuesday, July 13, 2010

People say that losing weight is no walk in the park. When I hear that I think, yeah, that's the problem.

It begins. My fight for fitness. I have to admit that when it comes to eating healthy and working out I am no expert. I slack sometimes....well all the time. Exercising and working out does not come easy to me by any means. I try to rationalize that its because I am busy and I have kids blah blah blah. Which is very true. Its hard to find time to go to the gym or even turn on a video when you have 2 kids and a dog trying to jump on your back. But when it boils down to it I can only say I am making excuses. So enough is enough I am going to do it. I started last night with this workout video called Insanity. Don't let the name fool you, Insane is a complete understatement for what this workout is like. I have had workouts where I was so sore the next day that I couldn't move. Well this is like that but it wore me out so bad I am still exhausted from it! Which is a good thing cause now I know I am so bad at it that I can only get better. So officially day one starts today. Yesterday was the Fit Test so now I am going to get down and dirty with it tonight. I am not going to quit, I gotta get in shape, bikini body here I come! I have a year before the Mrs. Delaware United States and I plan on looking fabulous is the dreaded swimwear portion of the competition. I figure if I start working really hard at it now that I will be able to cheat a little bit when Thanksgiving and Christmas time arrives. Alot of people told me I need to take before and after pics. Well as much as I love you guys I will not be taking any before pics, they are far too depressing and I already know how bad I look in a swimsuit, thank you. So heres to the beginning of my year long fight for the perfect bikini body. I have friends that will help me stay on the band wagon and I have the best hubby ever to make sure I am doing everything right. I am going to really fight for it but it will be worth it. I guess it was a good thing that when I bought my evening gown and interview outfit that I got the size that was a little bit too small. So now if I want any of my wardrobe to fit I am going to have to work at it. What I am striving for is the jaw drop at the pageant. I don't want people to believe me when I say I have 2 kids lol. And let me tell you the day after the pageant my breakfast, lunch and dinner will consist of Cold Stone Ice Cream. Until then bye bye my dear friend you have treated me all too often to yummy goodness that is so not healthy for me any way you slice it.

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